Decide whether to sell cards individually or in groups. If you have an entire set of a particular style and year of card, you might want to consider them all together as the complete sets normally sell for more. In most cases you will want to sell cards individually.
Find the value of the card you are selling. To do this with any rare or valuable cards, there will be a small fee to procure a guide. Begin by looking at the Beckett guide -- you can purchase it at a store or access the online version. This will tell you the actual value of the cards you wish to sell.
Go to a card dealer in your city. While there are many places to auction your basketball cards online, you will deal with people who truly need your business by going to a store and bartering. Also, try to visit numerous stores so that you might be able to compare different offers.
Take your price guide with you. Many card dealers will attempt to trade as opposed to paying cash. You may be able to arrange a deal in which you receive an amount of cash worth slightly less than the card and another card that more than makes up the difference.
Always inspect any faults the dealer may claim to find in your card. Dealers are critical but can also be deceptive in attempting to lower the perceived value of your card. As long as you know the condition of your cards, you avoid being taken advantage of.
Sell your card when you feel you have attained the best deal possible.