Things You'll Need
Start at least three years before a significant anniversary of your nominee's birth or major accomplishment. The Postal Service generally issues commemoratives on such anniversaries, and it takes that long for the CSAC to approve a nomination and commission art for the stamp.
Make sure your nominee meets the CSAC's criteria, a 14-point list under development since the 1970s. One of the top criteria is that the nominee must be dead, and for at least two years, so she will have been dead at least five years before the stamp is issued. The only exception is a memorial stamp issued on the first birthday after the death of a former president of the United States. The nominee must also not have been commemorated with a stamp within 50 years.
Document the significance of your nominee's contributions to the nation as a whole. The Postal Service particularly encourages nominations of individuals "who have overcome great challenges or active discrimination to enter a field or accomplish an aim and thus created opportunities thereafter for others."
Write a letter, collect signatures on a petition, or send a postcard with your nomination to the CSAC, c/o Stamp Development, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 3300, Washington, DC 20260-3501. There are no deadlines for submission; if your nomination passes the Stamp Development staff, it will be added to the CSAC's agenda for its next meeting. It does not consider email nominations.