Things You'll Need
Count the pages included in the 8-inch by 8-inch scrapbook. This will determine how many pieces of waxed paper you will need to cut.
Lay the waxed paper out on a flat surface and measure the sheet into 8-inch by 8-inch squares. You will need one square per each side of each page in the book. Outline the squares using a pencil along a straight edge.
Cut the 8-inch by 8-inch square sections from the waxed paper using scissors. Lay each piece out on a flat surface to prepare for the next step.
Pick up two 8-inch by 8-inch sections of waxed paper and open the scrapbook album, selecting one page with your opposite hand. Place one 8x8-inch section of waxed paper over each side of the page, lining the edges to create a perfect fit.
Staple each corner of the page to bond the waxed paper to the scrapbook page.
Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each page until the entire interior of the book is covered.