Things You'll Need
Combine a capful of chlorine and 4 cups water in a small dish.
Dip the stamp carefully into the chlorine solution to remove brownish stains, called toning.
Quickly pull the stamp back out and dip it into a bowl of clean water to rinseoff the chlorine solution.
Lay the stamp on a paper towel and allow it to dry completely.
Use a cotton swab to swipe the stamp with peroxide if the stamp is a discolored shade of orange. Allow the stamp to dry.
Pour a small amount of formaldehyde in a shallow pan and put a plate in the pan, being careful not to get formaldehyde in the plate. Place the stamp on the plate.
Expose decayed stamps to the vapors of the formaldehyde until they are damp. The gum on the back of the stamp will dissolve and stop the decay.
Combine a small amount of celluloid solution (available at photography shops) with 1,000 parts of acetone (nail polish remover).
Quickly dip the formaldehyde-dampened stamp in the celluloid mixture, then lay it on a paper towel to dry.
Direct more extensive damage to a professional.