Things You'll Need
Determine rarity and condition. As with any collection, the value of an item depends on two things: how rare the item is, and the condition in which it is in. Consult a stamp catalog to find out how rare a stamp is, but consider other factors that will affect its price, such as the condition. Look at the front of the stamp. Clean, intact and color-rich stamps are worth more than those that are dirty, torn and faded. Stamps with centered images are also worth more.
Hire an appraiser. Determining the value of a stamp collection can be a tedious process, especially if the collection is large. If you are short on time and have got a little money to spend, hire an appraiser to do the job for you. Because an appraiser has no interest in buying the item that he is appraising, he should be able to offer an unbiased value of your collection.
Work with a dealer. To get the best price for your stamp collection, consult only with dealers who belong to the American Philatelic Society. Although they have to consider their bottom line, members abide by a code of ethics and are less likely to swindle you.
Show a little TLC. A stamp collection will fetch a better price if you treat it with care from the beginning. To remove a stamp from an envelope or postcard, first cut it away leaving a small frame of paper around the edges. Soak it face down in small dish of cool water until the adhesive dissolves and the stamp sinks. Use a pair of stamp tongs to remove the stamp from the dish. Place it between two paper towels, and weight it with a heavy object overnight or until it is dry.
Keep with care. Store your stamp collection in special stamp albums. Stamp mounts, which are clear, plastic sleeves, provide the most protection for stamps. Consider environmental conditions, as well. Do not store your stamps in hot attics or wet, moldy basements. When you are not displaying your stamps, keep them in a covered box under your bed or on a bookshelf. The important thing to remember is that stamps are paper and don't tolerate extreme conditions.