Braided bracelets originated from Native American handcrafts formed as part of Central American traditions. The bracelet started appearing in the 1970's. The friendship bracelet symbolizes a friendship bond between friends.
Some of the different types of braiding techniques include:
Single, side-knotted braiding. A line of single knots is created on a single color thread. Usually made on three or four colors and then braided together to make the bracelet.
Diagonally knotted braiding. Different rows of different colors get knotted diagonally and braided to give the shape of a bracelet.
Horizontally knotted braiding. Threads get knotted horizontally and then braided together.
Twisted braiding. Here, the twisting of three or four strands of threads together helps to make a set. Finally, all of them get braided together.
Simple braiding. This style of braiding doesn't involve knotting and reminds one of how you braid your hair. Simply braid different colored threads together to complete the bracelet.
Braided bracelets come in lots of shapes and sizes, which vary per design, style and the age group targeted for wearing it. Usually the length varies from 7 to 9 inches, but again depends on the size of the wrist of the person you want to gift it to. Thickness also varies. You can get real slim ones or thicker ones like a cuff, big round ones or flat ones, as well as other styles. You may have to choose a bigger size especially when using cotton or cotton-mixed threads, because they shrink after a wash or when exposed to water.
If you plan to make braided bracelets, you can borrow or buy related books and learn from them. The steps may seem easy, but you need to exercise caution so you don't go wrong in any step, or else you will end up making a deformed bracelet. Avoid getting frustrated if you make mistakes. Braiding takes patience, and you need to master it. Knot the threads carefully so that they don't get jumbled up. Once you have learned the basic knotting, you will be able to create your own patterns and designs. You can wax the threads before you start braiding for smooth intertwining of the threads. If the constructed pattern starts twisting, iron them flat. Most importantly, have fun while making it and you will end up with a perfect bracelet.
Friendship Bracelet Tradition
Once you get a friendship bracelet, you should wear it till the cords fall apart. Removing the bracelet before this happens can signify that differences have arisen between friends. Also, in some traditions the bracelet gifts symbolize wish making. Once the bracelet wears off naturally, then the made wishes come true.