Things You'll Need
Circle about 10 major cities on the map with marker and write their names in large letters to make them easier to read. Connect the cities with slightly curved lines to indicate air routes. Every city should have one to four routes connected to it, depending on its size and location.
Calculate the distance each route covers by measuring the distance between the cities the route connects and converting it to miles according to the map scale. Round each distance to the nearest hundred miles and write it beside the line representing the route.
Stack white poker chips (representing flight crews) and red chips (representing ground crews) beside the map. Sort small toy airplanes by size and color, with each color representing a different player's fleet or company. Give each player $1,000 in play money.
Set up the board by letting players take turns placing two ground crews and two flight crews each onto any combination of cities, then let each player place one airplane from his fleet on the city of his choice.
Define rules for play, then test and adjust them.