Pick a superstitious theme for the game. Look at existing games you enjoy or esoteric books you have read to find inspiration for a theme. Almost any subject can be made into a superstitious game; be creative and base the theme on your personal interests. For example, you might use the superstitious theme of "counting crows." Then you could base the fortunes of the dice roll on the superstition associated with counting crows: "One's bad, two's luck, three's health, four's wealth, five's sickness, six is death."
Draw mysterious symbols on the board. These symbols may or may not affect how you play the game, but they will add to the superstitious ambiance of the game. The board's design should correspond with the theme of your board game.
Assign meaning to the colors of the game pieces. Most games give players the option to choose a game piece at the beginning of the game. These pieces are generally different colors, but there is no difference in their function. For example, in the board game "Titan," players can choose black legions or red legions or another color. Although the black legions appear to be more formidable, they are actually the same as the red pieces. Assigning a special meaning to each game piece color will justify this common board game superstition. For instance, you could make the red legions more passionate and forceful, and the orange legions more creative, basing attacking abilities on superstitious color correspondences.
Create an objective to the game. A superstitious objective may be to find enlightenment, discover a hidden meaning or to simply reach the mysterious finish line before anybody else.
Write out the rules of the game. Make the rules both concise and complete. Write down how players advance on the board and how they interact with other players. Design the rules to be somewhat flexible to add to the irrationality and superstition of the board game.