Things You'll Need
Watch a Movie
Rent a movie. Ask family members for suggestions on what movie to watch, or put different movie genres in a hat. Choose one person to select the genre, and pick a movie based on what is written on a slip of paper. Rotate who gets to choose the movie each week.
Make dinner prior to the movie. Choose a simple meal that can be prepared by everyone, and sit down as a family to eat. Make popcorn and special snacks after dinner and gather in the family room to watch the movie.
Turn movie night into a slumber party. Ask everyone to bring their pillows, blankets and sleeping bags into the TV room. Sleep there after the movie is finished.
Play a Game
Play a board game such as Monopoly, Clue or Life. For families with younger children, choose games such as Candyland, Chutes and Ladders or Uno Jr. Teach small children about how to take turns and how to act when winning or losing.
Organize a game of charades. Divide the family into two teams. Have each team make up ideas and write them on pieces of paper. Place all of the pieces of paper in a hat, and ask everyone to take turns acting out what is written on the paper they choose.
Organize an outdoor game of football, soccer, kickball, baseball or basketball. Divide the family into two teams, and play until one team wins. Prepare Popsicles or ice cream to have as dessert following the game.
The Great Outdoors
Fill a basket full of lunch meat, bread, hot dogs and hamburgers, salad, chips and dessert and head for the nearest park for a picnic. Choose a park that has picnic tables and barbecue grills. Play on the playground as a family after dinner. Plan a game that can be played as a family, such as tag, hide and seek, soccer or kickball.
Go camping in the backyard. Set up tents and roast marshmallows and hotdogs on an open charcoal grill. Look at the stars and constellations or tell ghost stories after it gets dark. Challenge family members to catch the most lightening bugs and keep them in jars for the evening.
Ride bikes to the nearest park. Pack some snacks, and plan an evening of soccer or baseball.
Visit the nearest pond, lake or river to fish. Get each family member a fishing pole and bait. Check to make sure a fishing license is not required. Most states allow children under certain ages to fish, but most adults require a license.