Things You'll Need
Place seven beads (or whatever small objects you are using) in every other small hole. Do not place any in the heads.
Choose any of the occupied wells on your side of the board and pick up the contents to start your turn. Start one well to the right and deposit one stone. Continue counter-clockwise and deposit the stones one at a time. Deposit a stone into your head when you get to it, but skip over your opponent's head.
Pick up all the stones in the well you drop the last stone in if the well is not empty. Deposit them one at a time counter-clockwise around the board.
Choose any other well on your side and begin another turn if the last stone is deposited into one of your own wells.
Pick up all stones of the opposing well and place them in your head if the last stone falls into an empty well on your side.
End your turn if the last piece falls into an empty well on your opponent's side. The other player then takes her turn.