Gaining Experience
Calculate the challenge rating of a monster, group of monsters, trap or other obstacle presented to the players. Specific challenge ratings (CR) are assigned to monsters and traps in the Monster Manual and Dungeon Master's Guide and other official D&D publications. Adjust the CR as necessary for variations from the standard encounters.
Calculate the exact number of experience points for each challenge. The exact number of experience point depends on the party's average character level, as dictated in the rewards chapter of the Dungeon Master's Guide. Multiply the number of experience points by the number of monsters encountered.
For example: For a 3rd level party, a monster with a CR 4 is worth 1,350 experience points. Thus an encounter with two CR 4 monsters would be worth a total of 2,700.
Divide the number of experience points for the encounter by the number of players in the party.
Reward experience points once the challenge is completed. Add the points from this encounter to the party's previous total.
Level-up the characters if they pass the level threshold. Traditional leveling systems place the division between levels as the base of the current level plus the number of the current level times 1,000.
For example: Level 1 begins at 0 experience points and ends at 999. Level 2 begins at 1000 and ends at 2999 for a total of 1999 points needed to complete the level, or 2 x 1000 to reach level 3. Level 3 begins at 3000 and ends at 5999 for a total of 2999 points to complete the level, or 3 x 1000 - 1. Level 4 begins at 6000 experience points and ends at 9999 for a total of 3999 points to complete the level, or 4 x 1000 - 1.