Set Up the Game
Unfold the game board and place it in the center of the playing area so each player can reach it. Place the reference cards around the board.
Place the Twist cards into the Twist Phase Card holder.
Shuffle the Phase 10 deck and deal 10 cards face down to each player.
Place the remaining cards from the deck in the center of the Card Tray. This represents the Draw Pile. Draw the top three cards from the Draw Pile and place them face up to create three Discard Piles.
Select a colored pawn and place it on the Start position of the game board. Determine the dealer for the hand by drawing cards. The player with the highest card deals first.
Game Play
Begin play with the player to the left of the dealer. Each player attempts to complete the phase that his pawn indicates. Begin with Phase 1 -- two sets of three -- and continue sequentially to Phase 10 -- one set of five cards and one set of three cards.
Draw a card from the Draw Pile or from one of the Discard Piles. Lay down the Phase for this round, if you can. If not, discard a card onto one of the discard piles to end your turn.
Add cards to your opponent's completed Phase after you've completed your Phase for the round. For example, if your opponent has completed Phase 1 by laying down three 4s and three 5s, you can place a 4 or a 5 onto his Phase. Wild cards in the deck can represent any card.
Move your pawn around the board once the hand is completed. Move three spaces if you completed the Phase and got rid of all of your extra cards, two spaces if you completed your Phase but still had cards in your hand when another player went out and one space if you did not complete the Phase. Your pawn moves at least one space every turn, except on the final Phase 10 space. Here, you must complete your Phase to win.
Draw a Twist card if you land on a Twist space. If you choose to play the Twist card, your pawn's movement is doubled for that turn. However, if you fail the Twist requirements, you move back one space on the board.
Win the game by moving past the Phase 10 space. If two players make it past this space at the same time, the player who "went out" wins.