Things You'll Need
Write the letters of the alphabet on a piece of paper. The letters must be in order, but they can be in two curved rows in the center or arranged in a circular shape, towards the edges.
Arrange the numbers -- from one to nine and ending with zero -- in a straight row either under the rows or inside the circle of letters.
Write "yes" in the upper left corner, "no" in the upper right and "goodbye" near the bottom edge.
For the indicator, use a planchette, a wine glass or a large coin. Lay the paper on a flat surface and cover the paper with plastic, securing with tape. The plastic creates a frictionless surface for the indicator.
Place the indicator in the center of the board. Create an ambient mood by lighting a white candle.
Sit erect, clear your mind of negativity and imagine the participant surrounded with the white light from the candle.
Lightly place your index and middle fingers on the planchette and instruct the other participants to do the same. Ask if there are any spirits present. If no answer is given, move the indicator around in small circles to get started.
Continue to ask positive questions and avoid talking about death.
Place the planchette over the word "goodbye" to end the session.