Lay your sheet of paper on the table or desk with the shorter edges at the top and bottom of the page. Use your ruler and pen to make five vertical columns, with equal spaces, on the paper by tracing the straight edge of the ruler with the pen. Make six horizontal rows by drawing five horizontal lines with equal spaces in between. This is the bingo game board and it will look like a grid.
Write the letters B -- I -- N -- G -- O in the top horizontal row. Write one letter in each square. In each of the rest of the squares, write an answer to the geography questions that the teacher will call out. Repeat the method of making this bingo game board for each student.
Pass out a bingo game board to each student and have them use a pen to mark their answers on their board.
Call out geography questions to the students. After each question, give the students two or three minutes to think of the answer and find out if they have it on their board. If they have it, they will mark an "X" through that square with their pen. If they do not have it on their game board, they do not get to mark any squares. To win the game, students must have one marked square in each of the vertical columns and each marked square must be touching another.