Place the plastic spiders in the center of the main game board.
Give each player a scoreboard and four tokens, which are placed on the scoreboard. The tokens have different designs on them; it doesn't matter who gets which tokens. The designs are purely decorative.
Shuffle the cards and deal them to the players face down, one at a time. Each player gathers their cards into a stack without looking at them and then places them face down on the table in front of them.
Agree on a signal method for all players to follow. Counting "1-2-3" is good. At the count of three, all the players turn over the top card of their stack. If any of the cards show a skeleton, the players yell "Goosebumps!" and must try to grab one of the spiders. Someone will not get a spider, as there are only three spiders. The player who does not get a spider must remove one token from their scoreboard. Play continues in this fashion until one player has no tokens left. The player with the most tokens left is declared the winner. If there is a tie, play continues with one less spider than the number of players. When the next player runs out of tokens, the player with the most tokens left wins the game.