Set a time limit for the game so that every player's progress can be evaluated at once and compared; this is a requirement of the game. The time limits are 60 or 75 minutes depending on the number of players. Raise the time limit if you have four, or the maximum of five players.
Start each player's marker at The Globe Theatre. Give each player 40 shillings of currency and a play script.
Arrange all the other pieces around the board as you wish. Decide who plays first and give them the two dice.
Roll the dice. If the letter 'F' appears on one or both dice, the player takes a fate card and follows its instructions.
Move the number of spaces shown on the sum of the two dice. If a double is rolled, then the player takes one extra turn. Players must progress each time they take a turn.
Take one of three actions when you land on the same space as an opponent. Trade your possessions, flirt by swapping tiles or cards, or brawl by each rolling the two dice. The player with the highest score over eight, receives a tile or 10 shillings from the other player.
Buy a script from Shakespeare's Rooms. Read from this when you perform plays in the theatre.
Go to Inn Events and buy actors of varying worth. You need them for plays in the theatre.
Buy props for your plays at Leadenhall Market. You can buy no more than eight.
Visit the Great House and get a patron for your plays. Answer a question and gain one more patron.
Visit the theatre and answer a trivia question to earn shillings. Put on a play if you have a script and pay a fee. Follow the instructions on the script.
Add up the value of all resources a player uses to put on a play, this equals their accumulated acclaim. The players that spend the most shillings, on the most successful plays, with the best resources, do better. After each play, discard all resources except the actors, these are kept.
Take no action if you land on Gallows Hill. Take a fate card if you visit the Clink, and take an extra turn if you pass St. Paul's Cathedral.
Draw a fate card and receive five shillings if you land on a space with no location or player. This is called 'busking' and is optional.
End the game at the time limit. All players take a final turn. Add up the acclaim points for each player and the one with the highest total wins.