Things You'll Need
Insert the "Target Grid" in between the "Task Force 1" and "Task Force 2" sides of the game board.
Divide the ships and the red and white pegs between both players. Each player should have a patrol boat, destroyer, submarine, battleship and carrier, 84 white pegs and 42 red pegs.
Insert four AA batteries into the battery compartment. Press the "On" button to begin.
Press the "1" button when you hear "Select Game" followed by the "2" button when you hear "Select Players."
Select a Location Pattern for your ships from pages 22-34 of the instruction book that came with the game and enter the code for the location pattern (for example, C-2) when you hear "Task Force 1, enter letter, number."
Enter a Location Pattern for player two when you hear "Task Force 1 armed. Task Force 2, enter letter, number." The game is now ready to begin.
Press the buttons that correspond to the target hole you wish to fire a missile at. For example, to fire at target hole B-2, press the "B" button, followed by the "2" button.
Take turns firing missiles at your opponent's battleships until one player sinks all of the opposing player's battleships. The person who sinks the opponent's ships first is the winner.