Choose a Banker before beginning to play. The Banker distributes to each player one $1,000 bill and three $500 bills, as well as one "Share the Wealth" card, then places the remainder of money in the banking tray and the leftover cards face-down on the board. Set up the spinner by placing the wheel in its designated location on the board. Place four LIFE tiles at Millionaire's Estate and put the rest in a draw pile on the board.
Spin to determine who goes first. After Player 1, play proceeds clockwise. If a player lands on a space that's already occupied, she moves her pawn to the next vacant space.
Begin by placing your minivan pawn on "Start" and deciding whether or not to purchase auto insurance. Spin the spinner and move the indicated number of spaces. Read and follow the instructions on the space you land on to complete your turn. Instructions may involve paying or receiving money; making decisions about getting married, having children, purchasing residential property, purchasing insurance, or purchasing investments; or collecting LIFE tiles. The next player's turn then begins.
Upon reaching "Retirement," players choose either Millionaire's Estate or Countryside Acres. If they park at Millionaire's Estate, they are eligible to receive the four LIFE tiles there placed before the start. However, if there are players still playing and the LIFE tile draw pile runs out, a player may steal tiles from any of these "retirees," as well as others still playing. By choosing Countryside Acres, a player may receive only one LIFE tile, but no other player may steal from him.
Reveal the LIFE tiles after all players have "retired" and add their values to the players' totals. The four tiles at Millionaire's Estate are awarded to the player with the most cash. The player with the most money at the end (cash on hand added to combined total of the s LIFE Tiles plus house value) is the winner.