Select a Trunk Card and Hat Mover and have the other players do the same. Distribute two Gold Galleons, two Silver Sickles and two Bronze Knuts to each player. Give each player two Spell Cards.
Start the game by having each player roll a die. The player with the highest number starts the game.
Follow the Diagon Alley path. Roll the dice and move your Hat Mover the appropriate number of spaces. Draw a card if you land on the Magical Swirl space or the Roll a Cauldron space.
Change your path from Diagon Alley to Knockturn Alley when you land on a Gate Space, draw a Knockturn Alley card or roll Cauldron symbols on both dice. You cannot acquire your Trunk Items in Knockturn Alley, so it is necessary to move back to Diagon Alley as quickly as possible. Draw the Diagon Alley card, roll doubles or land on a Gate Space to get back to Diagon Alley.
Collect money from Gringotts Wizards Bank. When you pass the doorway to Gringotts, you receive one Gold Galleon, one Silver Sickle and one Bronze Knut.
Purchase Trunk Items at shops. You also can buy Floo Powder to leap to other shops, or you can buy other items such as Speed Passes and Hop Over Passes.
Move down the path to the ending point, the Leaky Cauldron. The goal of the game is to fill your Trunk Card with all your Trunk Items, six in total, and end at The Leaky Cauldron; the first person to do this is the winner.