Choose game pieces for each player in the game. Place each piece on the "Start" rectangle. The board is divided into rectangles, each representing a different book of the Bible. The rectangles are separated by colors: green, blue, yellow, red, purple and gray.
Draw a card and ask the first player the question on the card. If they answer correctly, they roll the dice and move the designated number of spaces. If the player lands on a gray rectangle, they must move to the space listed. For example, if they land on the space "Go to Ruth," they move forward three spaces.
Repeat Step 2 with each player. If they answer their question incorrectly, they skip a turn and do not move forward until they give a correct answer.
Complete the game when the first player reaches "The End" rectangle. They must reach on an exact roll. This means that if they are three spaces back, they can only advance on a one, two or three. If they roll more than three, their turn is skipped until all the other players have taken their turns. The first person to reach "The End" is the winner.