Setting Up the Game
Separate cards into respective piles, houses, careers, stocks and salaries. Shuffle the piles individually and then shuffle the Life tiles as well.
Choose a player to be the banker; the banker deals out $10,000 to each player.
Choose a car color and a pink or blue peg piece to place inside the car.
Spin to see which player gets the highest number. This player goes first.
Playing the Game
Decide whether you want to go to college or start a career. If you go to college, you will have to take out a $40,000 loan and go the long route; however, you will get more salary and career options. If you decide to start a career, randomly choose a "Career" card. If it says, "Degree required," you must put it back. Do the same for one "Salary" card. Then start on the shorter route. If you chose the college route, you may draw your career and salary once you have finished college. Keep in mind you may not even get a "Degree required" card.
Spin the wheel and proceed that many spaces. Follow the space directions as you land on them. Blue spaces are optional. If you land on a green space you get paid the amount on your salary card. If you land on a red space, you must stop there and follow the directions no matter what number you spun. If you land on a "Life" space, you can pick up a Life tile. If you land on a "Career" space, give that amount of money to the player who has that career; otherwise, give it to the bank. There are other spaces with special instructions as well.
Take another pink or blue peg when you land on the "Get Married" space and put it in your car. When you land on a "Baby" space, you get to add another pink or blue peg to your car.
Choose a card from the "House" deck when you land on the "Buy a house" space. Pay the bank the amount shown on the card. You may choose to purchase stocks or insurance policies at the beginning of any of your turns. Insurance policies can protect you if you land on a "Disaster" card. Stocks can make you win or lose money when you land on a "Stock" space.
Tally up how much money each player has when he or she reaches the end. The one who has the most money in property cards, cash and life tiles is the winner.