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Scrabble Tricks

The word-building game Scrabble continues to be one of the best-selling board games on the market. Players must use letter tiles and bonus point squares on the board to score the highest amount of points to win the game. You can use some tips and tricks to get an upper hand on the competition, increasing your chance at victory.
  1. Score Those Bingos

    • You can make a bingo in Scrabble when you use all seven of the tiles on your rack. This feat gives you a 50-point bonus on top of the points you score for the word itself, making it a valuable play. To increase your chances of making a bingo, save some letters that form common prefixes and suffixes such as RE-, PRE-, -ING and -ED.

    Save Your "S"

    • The S letter tiles often prove valuable in Scrabble because they allow you to easily pluralize a word already on the board or form another word that begins with the letter S. That way you will score more points for building two longer words. Therefore, you should avoid playing a word like "RAKES" unless using the S will help stretch your word to a triple word square or the like. Instead you can play "RAKE" and save the S for later.

    Learn The Two-Letter Words

    • The Scrabble dictionary includes many words you have probably never heard of before, but knowing these words will help improve your score in the game. It's most important to learn the two-letter words. Words such as "ZA," "QI," "XU," and "EF" will help you play some tricky letter tiles and also can yield some big points if you can play those tiles on bonus letter or words score squares on the board.

    Play Defensively

    • While you want to score the most points possible in Scrabble, the ultimate goal is to simply beat your opponent. Sometimes playing defensively is key to winning. For example, try not to place a word that will allow your competitor to play a subsequent word on a triple word square. In most cases you are better off playing a word somewhere else and hope your opponent opens up the triple word square for you with his next play.

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