Spread out the 56 tri-ominoes face down on the playing surface and shuffle them. Each player must then draw a hand of tri-ominoes. For games with two players, each player takes nine tri-ominoes; 3to 4 players take seven tri-ominoes; 5 to 6 players use six tri-ominoes. Do not show the other players your hand.
Place the highest triple into the center of the table. If a player has the triple five (the tri-ominoe with 5’s at each apex), that player begins; otherwise the next highest triple plays. If triple-zero is the highest, the starting player receives a 30 point bonus. If no player drew a triple, instruct each player to draw a tri-omino until one is found.
Match any two numbers on the tri-ominoes. Play one tile per turn. Play continues to the left. For example, assume Player 1 played the triple-five. Player 2, sitting to Player 1’s left, must play a tri-omino that has at least two fives. Connect the tri-ominoes together.
Add points. Add each number on the tile played to determine a move’s score. A tile with 3-5-1, for example, scores nine points. Add the following bonuses: completing a hexagon (where six tri-ominoes form a hexagon shape) earns 50 additional points; forming a bridge earns 40 extra points.
Draw from the pile if you cannot make a move on your turn. Deduct five points from each tile you draw. Continue drawing until you can make a play.
Continue playing until one player reaches 400 points. If all the tiles are taken and no more moves remain, keep track of each player’s score, re-shuffle the tri-ominoes, and start the game anew.