Things You'll Need
Pay for your cards, if the venue you are playing at charges for them. If you are a beginner, start with only one to two cards at a time.
Arrange your cards on the table in front of you. Many players arrange theirs in a row in front of them from left to right.
Listen to the caller, the person who is calling out the numbers that you must mark on your cards in order to win. An example of a number the caller would call is B 28.
Look at the top row of your card and find the letter that was called, then look down the column under the letter for the number. For example, if the caller said "B 28," look under B for the number 28. If it is there, mark it with your dauber or marker.
Once you have filled up a row of five spaces either diagonally, up and down or side to side, yell "Bingo!"
Either the caller or a helper will check your card to make sure you marked the correct numbers. If you have, you win.