Most backgammon players refer to the pieces as checkers, but they differ from the pieces used in the game "Checkers." For one, backgammon checkers are not designed to be stacked. In addition, backgammon requires 15 checkers rather than 12.
Other Names
Backgammon checkers are also known as pieces, men, dimes and stones.
The best backgammon checkers will be heavy enough to not shift accidentally while rolling the dice on the board. Their size varies, as it is important that they fit in the spaces on the backgammon board.
Backgammon checkers are made of a variety of materials, including wood, plastic, marble, galaith and bakelite.
Most backgammon checkers are white and black. They also are made in other colors such as blue and red. Whatever their color, it is important that they stand out in contrast to the color of the board.