Scrabble Dictionary
An official Scrabble dictionary is an essential gift for any Scrabble fan; it's nearly a requirement for the game, especially when it's played competitively. A Scrabble dictionary lists all the acceptable words for the game and is used during gameplay when a player challenges the validity of a played word.
Game Timer
Like other thinking games such as chess, tournament versions of Scrabble are played using a game timer. In tournaments, players have 20 minutes to complete all of their moves; however, when playing at home, the decision of whether or not to use a timer is yours.
Scrabble Books
Due to the game's ubiquity and endless popularity, there is a cottage industry of books devotes solely to the temple of Scrabble. The books range from memoirs of Scrabble competitors, texts designed to improve player strategy and guides to learning helpful words to make use of during gameplay.
Scrabble Calendars
There are a few official and unofficial Scrabble calendars available for purchase. One-a-day calendars make great gifts for aspiring Scrabble-greats; they typically list a new word every day, giving the user an opportunity to rapidly improve his or her vocabulary.
Scrabble Gear
Customization sites such as offer an array of wiity and sarcastic Scrabble-themed items, such as T-shirts, mugs and sweaters. While Scrabble gear may not be the chicest clothing around, it's sure to be good for a few laughs.
PC Scrabble
There are multiple versions of Scrabble available for use on the PC, as well as other video game systems. Electronic Scrabble offers a good opportunity to improve your game when there aren't friends around to compete against. The difficulty of the game is adjustable, making it appropriate for novices and experts alike.
Scrabble Pendant
Take a spare Scrabble tile, perhaps the first letter of the gift-receiver's name, and attach it to a string or necklace to make a bit of Scrabble-inspired jewelry. The jewelry can stand as a testament to the wearer's undying love for the game of Scrabble.