Things You'll Need
Prepare for Action
Toss a coin. The winner of the coin toss may decide whether their team plays offense or defense first. The winner also gets to choose which goal the offense is heading toward.
Examine the players. Now is the time to decide if any of the pieces do not meet game expectations. Players are legal if they have distinct numbers, clear details, are 1 1/2 inches or smaller, and do not have missing, marred or added parts.
Place your players in formation. The offense will be facing the goal on the far side of the field while the defense will be on the same side of the field as the goal facing the offense.
Adjust players, if you have the pro pieces. Dials on the bottom of the pro pieces will adjust the players' movements to go toward the left or the right.
Put the ball on the 50 yard line. Turn the switch to "on".
Watch the Action
Call an out of bounds. If the ball or any part of the player carrying the ball touches the sideline or the end zone, the play stops. Set up your players so the ball carrier is on the yard line closest to where the ball went out of bounds.
Call a safety if the ball carrier gets tackled behind his team's goal line. The opposition receives two points. Stop and reset the board.
Score a touchdown if the ball or the player carrying the ball crosses the goal line. Receive seven points. Stop and reset the board.
Time the Action
Set the first timer for 30 minutes at the beginning of the game. The time will run continuously.
Set the second timer for 1 minute and 10 seconds, which is the time to set a play. The offensive team will have 60 seconds to set up and the defensive team has 70 seconds.
Reset the board after 30 minutes so the defensive team becomes the offensive team.