Roll one die to see who will move first. Each player rolls one of their two dice and the player with the highest number goes first.
Roll two dice to move on your turn. Move one of your game pieces the total number shown on the dice or move two pieces, one for each number shown on a die. Move the piece to any open space, any space occupied by your own colored pieces or a space with only one of your opponent's pieces. While moving, you can jump over your opponent's pieces on the game board. Move your pieces clockwise to your inner table or home board.
Roll doubles and move one game piece four times the number shown on the dice. You can also move two game pieces two times the number on the dice or move four pieces for each number shown on the dice.
Hit another player by moving one of your game pieces to a space occupied by only one of your opponent's pieces. The opponent removes his piece off the game board. On the opponent's turn, he can replace his piece onto the game board in his outer table if one of the numbers on either dice is equal to an available space in his outer table.
Bearing off he board begins once a player has all their pieces in their inner table. On each turn, the players roll their dice and begin moving pieces out of their inner table off the board. Pieces can only be moved when the number is rolled that corresponds with the space it sits on. For example, the dice show a 2 and 5, so the player removes a piece from the second and fifth spaces. This continues until one player is the first to remove all his pieces from his inner table.