Play begins with the team that has the youngest player on it.
Choose one player from each team to be a "reader" while the opposing team chooses someone to be the "stealer." All players will take turns being "readers" and "stealers."
Take three Mad Gab cards from the box. The reader is the only one who does this.
Show the three cards' answers, without looking at them yourself, to the opposing team with the exception of the stealer.
Play starts when the opposing team flips the hourglass timer.
Read out the clue, repeatedly, to your team while the timer is going.
Shout out suggested phrases or ask the reader to read the clue faster or slower while the other team listens. If the phrase on the card is correct the team that is not answering confirms that the answer is correct.
Time is up when the timer runs out. If there are any unanswered Mad Gab cards then the "stealer" from the opposing team gets the chance to try and answer the questions.
Scoring takes place as follows. The "reader" counts the Mad Gabs solved by his or her own team and moves their playing piece counter clockwise through the board that many places. The "stealer" does the same if he or she has answered any Mad Gabs for their team.
Following the instructions on the oval that you have landed on, on your next turn.
Winning occurs when one team lands on the finish oval.