Things You'll Need
Learn the layout of the chessboard. The left-hand white rook begins the file at "a," while the opposite white rook is at "h." Rank begins at 1, for the white rook, continuing to the 8 for the black rook on the opposite side. All moves are called using both rank and file, with the alphabetic file first and the numeric rank second.
Call a basic move. If a white pawn is starting off at "g2," directly in front of the knight, and moves two spaces forward, the move is called as "pawn, g4." Similarly, when pawn "g7," in front of the black knight, is moved forward one space, it is called "pawn g6."
Call a move that takes another piece. If the pawn at "e4" takes the pawn at "d5" the move is called "pawn e4 takes pawn d5." All moves are called in this manner, depending on the rank and file number, and, when a take move occurs, the piece taking the other piece is called first.