Respond to White's classic King's pawn opening (1. e4) by moving Black's Queen-side Bishop's pawn two spaces forward (1. c5).
Counter White's development of the knight in the second move (2. Nf3) of the popular Najdorf variation by moving Black's Queen's pawn one space forward (2. d6).
Respond to White's next aggressive move of pushing the Queen's pawn forward two spaces (3. d4) with an equally aggressive pawn sacrifice: (3. cxd4).
Counter White's inevitable retake of the captured pawn (4. Nxd4) by both developing the King's side Knight and attacking White's defenseless King's pawn (4. Nf6).
Reply to White's move to develop the Queen's side Knight while protecting the exposed Queen's pawn (5. Nc3) by pushing the Queen-side Castle's pawn one space forward (5. a6). The idea here is to prevent White's Knight from moving into an attack position (6. b5).