Chess Blogs
Chess blogs are maintained by every level of player, from beginners to top players. Find a blog you like and follow the progress. If the following on the blog is not enormous, you may be able to get tips directly from the blogger, or if nothing else, you will likely find general and specific tips throughout the blogs.
Free Chess eBooks
Chess has been enjoyed for over 1,000 years so there is more chess literature available than you could ever possibly read. The good news is since the game is so old, you can find a great deal of public domain books on chess. You will want to include modern books in your studies as well, but free chess eBooks are a great way to access chess tips online.
Chess Programs
You may play chess online versus computer opponents or download chess programs online and run them on your computer. Depending on the program, you can receive tips on your current position or generalized chess trainings. Many programs also offer extensive lists of prior chess matches, which you can view on the program, move by move.
Daily Chess Puzzles
Many websites offer daily chess puzzles ranging in difficulty from easy to hard. These puzzles are great tools to sharpen your skills and help you evaluate the best possible move for a current position. The puzzles sometimes have built in hint mechanisms, which will provide a specific tip for the current puzzle.