Getting Ready
A special board shaped as a six-pointed star is used for Chinese Checkers. Each point of the star has 10 holes, while the middle square of the board has 41. Two, three, four or six players can play. Each player must sit directly across from another player, which is impossible with five players.
Setting Up
Each player selects a corner of the board directly across from another player. Ten marbles are placed in the point of the star for each player. These marbles are different colors for each person to differentiate owner. After the board is setup, a starting player is selected. Turns are taken in a clockwise rotation from the starter.
Moving and Jumping
The goal of Chinese Checkers is for a player to get all of their marbles into the opposite point of the star. One marble may be moved each turn. A player can move their marble one space to any empty hole.
Alternately, a player can "jump" a marble of any color. By jumping, the player moves their marble over an adjacent marble to the opposite hole. This can only be done if the opposite hole is empty. The player may jump any number of times with a single marble in a turn. Nothing happens to the marbles that have been jumped.
Chinese Checkers is won once a player moves all 10 of their marbles into the opposite corner. Once a marble is in the opposite point it cannot be moved out, but may be moved around within the point.