Open the game as white. Move your queen's pawn forward two squares. It is now black's turn to move. Black may respond to your queen's pawn opening in various ways.
Move your queen-side bishop's pawn out two squares if your opponent moved his queen's pawn forward two squares. Your bishop's pawn is unprotected now. If your opponent provided a different opening move, then you cannot run the queen's gambit in this game.
Follow through with a queen's gambit regardless of your opponent's move. If your opponent captures your bishop's pawn, then the queen's gambit is accepted by your opponent. Respond to this move by placing your king-side knight in front of your bishop's pawn. If your opponent did not capture your pawn, place your queen-side knight in front of your bishop's pawn.
Slide your white-squared bishop five squares to your right on your fourth move. This move will put more pressure on your opponent's space.
Move your king's pawn forward one square on your fifth move. This move will solidify your control of the central squares.
Develop the remainder of your pieces logically, depending upon your opponent's moves. Plan to castle so that your king is not stranded in the middle of the board.