Level 60
On Level 60, you must unlock the entrance to the cave, collect 300,000 gold and earn 600 Happiness. To start, send five workers to unblock the cave entrance. Collect money from the banks, and then hire five more workers, assigning them to dig up the treasure at the cave entrance, to repair the three bridges, to clear debris from the building sites and to build three mansions. Next, collect rent and money from the bank to pay the bandits 10,000 gold each. Hire at least two more tax collectors. Build three statues and more mansions on available building sites. You don't need to build gardens on any of the mansions, but only upgrade the mansions after siding them. Continue upgrading the mansions and collecting rent and money from the banks until reaching your goals.
Level 61
For Level 61, you must build five lanterns and earn 50 Happiness. First, dig up the treasure next to the castle, and then repair the cottage so you can collect rent. Upgrade the cottage and add gardens to earn more rent. Next, side the houses, upgrade them three times, and build gardens around them so you can keep collecting rent until you hit 7,000 in gold. Use the money to pay the bandit, and then start both workshops and keep them running. Dig up the treasure near the top right of the map. As soon as one workshop stops producing, tear it down, and replace it with a sawmill. Use the remaining treasure to keep the sawmill running as long as possible, and then collect rent to fire up the sawmill two more times. Take the wood from the sawmill to the remaining workshop, and produce four lanterns. Tear down the sawmill, and replace it with a cabin, which you can then side and supplement with a garden. Repair the bridge to the top lantern site. Keep the workshop running long enough to build the fifth and final lantern, and then tear down the workshop to build a cabin in its place. Side the cabin, and put up a garden to clear the level.
Level 62
On level 62, you need to build one sawmill and earn 440 Happiness. Repair all your houses and build all possible villas to earn enough gold in rent to pay the bandits in front of the bank, the workshop and the market, plus the two bandits making smoke. Collect gold from the banks and sell extra wood at the market to raise more funds. Then buy two more workers to tear down the statues by the castle. Build a new statue between the houses and tear down the bank to build a sawmill. Once you've produced enough wood from the sawmill, build a second statue between the houses to clear the level.
Level 63
Level 63 requires you to build all types of buildings, all types of homes, two lanterns and one statue. Open the level by clearing debris, and hire eight additional workers to continue clearing sites. After building and siding a villa, build a sawmill and produce 1,600 wood twice and an extra 400 wood whenever possible. Use the initial 1,600 wood to build a mansion on the first available site. Upgrade the mansion and the villa three times each and add gardens. Build a workshop and keep it running so you can build a lantern. Next, build a bank, a cottage, a chalet and a cabin, fully upgrading the latter three. Build a market, but don't sell any wood. Operate the workshop and sawmill until you have the 4,500 wood necessary to build the statue required to clear the level.