Verbal Games
Use ladies night as a way to not only have fun, but to bond with your friends. Buy a bottle of wine and play "Never Have I Ever." The first person says, "Never have I ever..." followed by an action. For example, "Never have I ever skipped school." Anyone who has skipped school takes a drink of wine. "Truth or Dare" is another game you can play with your friends. One person chooses "truth" or "dare." If they choose truth, ask a personal question she must answer. If she chooses dare, make her do something like prank call an ex boyfriend.
Board Games
Dig out the classic games you played as a child. Buy a new copy of "Girl Talk" if you don't have it anymore. See who can use their money most effectively in "Mall Madness," or see who you'll end up dating on "Heartthrob." Don't forget your "Saved by the Bell" or "New Kids on the Blocks" trivia to see who you will go on a date with. Accompany the games with your favorite "Saved by the Bell" episodes or "New Kids on the Block" videos.
Video Games
Get the latest singing, music or dance video games to play with your girls. "American Idol Karaoke," "Lips" and "Singstar" are some of the most popular singing games available for all systems. Pick up some microphones, choose some songs and sing your hearts out. "Rock Band," "Band Hero" and "Guitar Hero" allow you to not only sing, but play instruments as well. "Dance, Dance Revolution" and "Just Dance" allow you to compete or share your best dance moves with friends.
White Elephant
Ask every guest to bring a joke gift as part of a "White Elephant" exchange. Create a game such as musical chairs where you set the gifts on a chair and play music. When the music stops, you get the gift on the chair. The more outrageous the gifts, the more fun the game is. Everyone leaves with a souvenir of your party.