Striker Jump
The Striker Jump occurs when you hits your striker piece directly at the board wall. If hit hard enough, the striker will "jump" from the board wall and toward the desired carrom man. If well executed, the carrom man is pocketed and play continues.
Diagonal Kiss
When performing the Diagonal Kiss, the striker must be near the carrom man in one corner of the board. The striker is hit away from the carrom man, bounces off the opposite corner, and comes back to pocket the carrom man.
Scissor Grip
You can hit your striker harder when using the scissor grip than when using the traditional grip. In the scissor grip, you use your middle finger to hit the Striker, with your index finger resting on top of the middle finger. Both fingers then hit the striker as hard as possible. While this allows for a more powerful shot than the traditional grip, it is less accurate. This makes it a good grip to use when breaking.
Angled Shots
Much like billards, you can calculate the angle of your shot and hit a carrom man indirectly, rather than head-on. By doing this, your striker can strike the carrom man in such a way as to pocket it, despite the fact that the carrom man was not directly between your striker and the hole.