Things You'll Need
Summer in December
Spread out beach towels on the floor to turn an area of the classroom or home into a beach during the winter season. Set buckets and shovels around the room for the children to play with.
Dress the children in bathing suits. Put the bathing suits on over clothes if the temperature is too cold to wear bathing suits alone.
Place a small, plastic wading pool on the ground and fill it with 2 inches of water.
Encourage the children to sit in the pool and pretend to be at the beach. Demonstrate how to pretend to play at the beach.
Lunch Time Game
Cut out pictures of food from glossy, color magazines using scissors.
Place the pictures on the surface of plastic plates or paper plates.
Cut out pieces of clear contact paper large enough to cover the pictures. Place the sticky contact paper over the picture to affix the picture to the plate.
Place the plates in the dramatic play area and encourage the children to eat. Model how to eat the food from the plate to encourage the children to participate in the game.