Dragon Knight
Upon finding the magical Advent Deck, Kit Taylor turned into Kamen Rider Dragon Knight. While drawn into the Rider war with General Xaviax by accident, Kit uses his new powers to try and solve the mystery of his father's disappearance. His Advent Beast, Dragreder, is a fearsome fire-breathing dragon.
Wing Knight
After General Xaviax conquered the land of Ventara, Len, the last surviving Ventaran Kamen Rider, ventured to Earth to recruit new Riders and prevent Xaviax from conquering another world. As Wing Knight, Len possesses fast, strong attacks from his Advent Beast, Black Wing the bat. He also serves as a mentor to Kit.
Born into a wealthy family, Richie Preston became desperate when he lost his inheritance, so he agrees to serve General Xaviax as a bounty hunter, collecting one million dollars for each defeated Kamen Rider. Strictly a mercenary, he fights alongside his Advent Beast Volcancer the crab and cares for nothing but his own financial gain. When Xaviax fails to live up to his end of their bargain, Incisor turns on his former employer, adding more drama to the ongoing Rider war.
Xaviax recruited Drew Lansing to be the Kamen Rider Torque due to his abilities as a con artist. Torque uses trickery and his skills of persuasion to convince others to join Xaviax's cause and wage all-out war. However, always the schemer, Torque attempts to turn the other Riders against one another for his own benefit. His Advent Beast is Magnugiga the ox.
Grant Stanley, an underground martial artist, joined Xaviax as the Kamen Rider Camo to prove he's the toughest man on two worlds, Earth and Ventara. Xaviax sends him after Wing Knight, and Camo isn't above fighting dirty to win. But when Xaviax tricks him, Camo rebels along with his Advent Beast, Biogreeza the chameleon.
Xaviax rescues James Trademore, a criminal computer hacker, from jail to become Kamen Rider Strike. He serves as Xaviax's right-hand man and uses his mirror-warping power to acquire secret classified information from targets. But once he witnesses the power of Kit and Len, Strike betrays Xaviax, hoping to join the winning side of the conflict. His Advent Beast is Venosnaker the cobra.