Things You'll Need
Decide on a theme for your memorization game, if desired. For example, alphabet letters or a holiday, such as Halloween.
Cut a pile of six index cards in half so that you have 12 pieces of index cards.
Choose six images that you want to feature on the cards.
Print out or photocopy two copies of each of the six images that you want to use on the cards. Glue one image to each of the index card pieces. Alternatively, you can draw your own pictures with markers; just make sure to draw two identical pictures of each item.
Place the cards in a pile and shuffle them. Lay them face-down in four rows of three cards each. Turn over two cards at a time, trying to find matching images. If the cards match, pick them up and put them aside; if they don't match, flip them back over. Try to remember where each picture is after flipping the cards back over so that you can match the images later in the game.