Things You'll Need
Find two trees, posts or vertical objects that are stationary and approximately 6 feet apart.
Tie the end of a skein of yarn to the top of one of the two objects at the height you want for the spider web. Run the yarn across to the other object so that it is level to the ground. Pull the yarn taut and tie it to the second object.
Tie a second piece of yarn across the bottom of the two objects in the same manner so that it is as close to the ground as possible.
Take the skein of yarn and tie it in a knot anywhere on the horizontal line of yarn that is across the top of the web. Pull the yarn down so it is taut and tie it to the bottom horizontal line of yarn; do not cut the yarn.
Hold the skein of yarn and pull it back up to the top horizontal line so that it is 1 foot away from the first knot. Tie a second knot.
Wrap the skein of yarn around one of the vertical objects on either side of the spider web. Tie a knot to hold the yarn in place. Pull it horizontally over to the other object and tie it around that one. Take the skein of yarn and pull it back over the horizontal string at the top of the web so it is 1 foot away from one of the other knots.
Get additional skeins of yarn as needed. Rotate tying the yarn to the top and bottom horizontal strings, and wrapping the yarn around the side objects. Knot the yarn in spaces of 1 foot so that the participants of the obstacle course can fit through the web.