Aim to hit the cue ball slightly lower than normal, no lower than one full width of the tip of the cue below the center. Hold the cue so that it is pointed at a slightly downward angle toward the table.
Hit the cue ball with a slightly stronger stroke than you would use for a stop shot, which would make the cue ball stop completely after hitting the target ball. Be sure to make your stroke smooth and seamless to get enough draw on the cue ball. "Punching" the cue ball will ensure that the cue ball gets no spin.
Follow through with the cue, bringing the cue tip past the cue ball's starting position in the same downward direction. If you follow through correctly your cue tip will actually touch the table after hitting the cue ball.
The greater the distance between the cue ball and the target ball, the more backspin you will have to create. Do this by hitting the ball harder and lower.