Easy Loot
For looting in the city, make sure you your level is less than 15. Then begin at South Moorhurst. Destroy the zombies and loot as you go. Keep traveling east until you see where you can make a turn. When you take the turn, you will be heading north. Keep looting until purple zombies start showing up. After you see them, head east. After you pass North Wallton, go to Ravenwall, and you can loot there too.
Free Ammunition
To get free ammunition, there is a trick you can utilize. From the initial screen where you log into the game, create a fake user. Name the user and enter a fake address for the email. After that, add this character as a buddy in the "edit buddies" feature of your profile. Then trade profiles with him so that he is the main player. Then you can just add what you want him to have in the game, all for free. You can repeat this over and over each time you log into the game. The ammunition you can get includes a 5.5 rifle as well as some .32 handgun ammunition.
Invulnerable Location
There is a part of the game where you can make yourself completely invulnerable, at least for a little while, to attack by the zombie hordes. Go to West Foxton and position your player in the center of the intersection there. There is an invisible wall in this location, so no zombie will be able to attack you. Just remember that once you leave the intersection, you'll be completely vulnerable again.
Easy Money
If you want some easy money in the game, create an extra account and use another fake email address. Then make your character a lawyer because lawyers always start with 100 dollars for game play. After that, sell this character something for 100 dollars, then sell it back to your main account for nothing. Keep doing this to make as much money as you want.