Earn up to $100 million
If you have one card of one color and the computer has the other two cards of the same color, the computer will automatically offer you a trade so that it can have all the cards of the same color. Do not click "Accept" on the monetary offer the computer gives you. Increase your earnings by clicking the "Money" symbol next to the computer's offer multiple times to increase the offer.
Take Multiple Turns
When it is your turn, do not press the "Finish Turn" button. Click "Trade" and offer a trade with another player. After you set up your trade, click "Cancel Trade" before they have an opportunity to accept it. Now, instead of having a "Finish Turn" button, you will have a "Roll Dice" button. Now you can take another turn.
Prevent Losing
You can prevent yourself from losing a game by exiting the game right before you lose. Once you realize that you are losing, close the game without clicking exit. Close the entire application by pressing the red "X" at the top-right corner of the screen. Sign back into the game, and you will have all your money back and you can continue playing.
Free Properties
If you have a dark blue property, trade it for two properties that have same color and one more property of a different color. Then trade one of the properties that have the same color, and you will get one of the blue properties you traded before back. You will gain two new properties by making these trades. When no more properties exist to trade, you can get the money from the other player.