Flip Flop Hunt
Fill a large sandbox with sand. Purchase flip flops in an assortment of sizes and colors. Hide the flip flops in the sand. Make sure the flip flops are fully covered with sand. Provide each player with a summer-themed tote bag and mini plastic shovels. Tell players to scoop and dig through the sand with shovels to find the flip-flops. Once the player finds a flip-flop, he can put it in a tote bag and continue finding more flip flops. To make the game more fun, give the player who finds the most flip flops a small prize.
Flip Flop Sticker Game
Purchase two sets of Flip Flop-themed stickers from an art supply store or online. Find the corresponding match for each sticker on each of the sets. Provide players with a sticker. Make sure each sticker and their match is given out. Players must find the other player who has the matching sticker. Once the player finds the other player who has the matching sticker, she must get to know the other person and share a favorite vacation story.
Flip Flop Memory Game
Print out the "Flip Flop Fun" coloring page from the Printables 4 Kids' website. Color the 16 flip flops on the page. Each flip flop has a match, making eight pairs of flip flops in total. Color each pair of flip flops the same way. Cut out the flip flops and paste onto pieces of construction paper. Turn them over. Players must take turns picking up two flip flops to see if it is a match. Players can keep the flip flops once two matching flip flops are picked up and put the flip flops back facing down if it is not a match. Players can continue playing until all matching flip flops are found.
Flip Flop Shuffle
Have players wear flip flops. Tell players to take off the flip flops and throw them in a large pile. Mix and shuffle the flip flops around. Have players break up into two teams and stand roughly 30 feet from the flip flop pile. On the words "Go," the first member in each team must start running to the flip flop pile. The player must find his flip flops in the pile as fast as possible. Once the player finds both flip flops, the player must put them on, run back to his team and tag the next player to run. Players can continue playing until one team wins.