Things You'll Need
Cut a piece of plywood 20 1/4 inches square. Measure 1/8 inch from each side and draw a line. Measure between your lines in 1-inch segments and draw vertical and horizontal lines to form a 1-inch graph.
Nail a 1 1/2-inch large headed nail where the lines cross and along the outside lines where the lines end.
Cut a 1 inch by 2 inch board to fit around the outside of the plywood, with the corners mitered at 45 degree angles using a miter saw. Apply glue along the outside edges of the plywood. Press the 1 inch by 2 inch boards to the glue and nail with finishing nails. Align the corners and glue and nail two finishing nails in each corner. Wipe off the excess glue and allow the glue to dry.
Spray paint on the inside and outside of the box using several coats of paint, allowing each coat to dry for 4 hours.
Wrap large rubber bands around the bottom half of the nails in a maze pattern. Place a push pin at the starting location and goal. Place a marble at the start point. One person lifts from each side and tries to guide the marble to the goal. Each team vies for the shortest time possible. The maze can quickly be reset for new matches.