Determine the purpose of your contest, as well as the criteria for entering. Make note of any fees that entrants have to pay, as well as what the prizes are for winners.
Decide when and how you will close your contest to entries. Consider whether you will only allow a certain number of participants and if the contestants have a specific time frame in which to enter.
Draft the rules and procedures for your contest, including how and when it ends, and how winners are chosen.
Post the rules and procedures in a place where all potential entrants get a fair shot at seeing them. This might be a club message board, a blog or a newsletter.
Run the contest as outlined in your procedures. When the ending criteria is met, post another notice stating the the contest is closed.
Choose your winners. You can do this with a panel of judges, a random number sorter, a test of skill or even picking a name out of a hat.
Contact your winners as soon as possible after the end of the contest to arrange delivery of the prize.