Things You'll Need
Examine the layout of the yard or field you will be having your snowball fight in. For example, if there is a large hill you will not want to be defending at the bottom of the hill, as high ground is an advantage.
Consider your opponents in the snow ball fight and how they are likely to attack to best determine your defensive needs.
Check the depth of the snowfall. On a day with a light sprinkling you will likely need to rely on dodges for defense, however on a heavy snowfall day you can construct a defensive fort.
Build a fort in advance of the snowball fight by digging a hole into the snow, and piling up additional snow from the area around it, then packing the snow down.
Spray water from a bottle over the exterior of the walls of your defenses. The water hardens into ice to hold your fort's shape, and using a bottle ensures you don't damage a wall by pouring water too fast. Be sure to spray quickly, however, before the water freezes in your bottle.
Prepare snow balls in advance and place them inside your fort so you are ready to throw them at attackers looking to get close to your fort where they can better hit you.
Attack your opponents with snow balls of your own, ideally from within cover. If your opponent must duck and hide from your attacks they can not fully focus on attacking you, making them inaccurate.
Enter the battle with several defensive strategies in mind to counter any attacks you expect from your opponents.