Plant and harvest crops to get gold. Find a patch of available land on your farm and click the "Plow" tool, then click the land. This prepares the land for planting. Visit the store and select "Buy items" to purchase the crop of your choice. All players start with 2,000 coins, so you'll be able to buy a limited amount in the beginning of the game. Plant the crop by closing the store after selection and then clicking on the plowed plots. Wait the allotted time for your crop to mature before clicking on it again to harvest. Click on the barn to sell your harvest. You receive more gold than you paid, thus increasing your profits.
Visit neighbors and perform tasks such as clearing leaves or scaring crows away to receive coins. In order to get neighbors you'll need Facebook friends who play the game as well. Click on the neighbor icons to visit their farms.
Earn gold by feeding the cows on your farm. Raise clover which you can then feed to the cows, earning you coins. Feed the cows by clicking on them. You can also milk the cows to earn gold as well.