Look for common consonant combinations, such as "st," "bl," "cr" or "dr." If the jumbled word is "kfale" and you notice "fl," then the remaining letters are "kae," which you can easily add to "fl" to create "flake."
Play around with ordering the consonants in different ways and then filling in the vowels. For instance, if the jumbled word contains "eska," try rearranging the consonants like "sk__," "k_s_" and "s_k_." Clearly only the last combination creates a word when the vowels "e" and "a" are added: "sake."
Try arranging the letters beginning with a different letter each time. For example, if the letters are "eksa," first try to make a word beginning with "e," then with "k" and so on, until you arrive at "sake."
Cross out letters as you use them. This is especially helpful for long jumbles and jumbles that contain more than one of the same vowel, which can get confusing.
Use a free online solve jumble word solver if you get stuck. Simply type in the jumble and the program will spit out words.